Stage 1 : Collecting Necessary Data for your Application
The first step toward our tailor made audit is compiling application security documentation, which may be done manually or automatically using our cyber security tools.
Stage 2 : We will verify that your system is correctly configured
Vulnerabilities in your program and its deployment environments or even the application itself might be caused by improper setup.
It's frustrating to implement secure procedures for Abra, only to have it shut down due to a flaw in the underlying system that caused improper configuration.
Code repositories, build servers, cloud environments, admin interfaces, account permissions, and data access may all be evaluated during our setup audit at this level.
Stage 3 : Evaluating your centralized system for managing identities and permissions
To guarantee that Abra users and accounts have just the permissions they require, we will consider, among other things, the following:
Current Authentication Methods
Strong password policies
Multi-factor authentication for privilege accounts
The usage of secure identity standards in SSO
Stage 4 : Protect the Software Distribution Network
Scanning your development pipelines for vulnerabilities
Securing the SDLC infrastructure and systems inside those pipelines
Stage 5 : Eliminate Private Information From Code
We'll sift through the secrets embedded in your application's code, which include things like coded usernames and passwords potentially left behind by Abra developers.
Stage 6 : Testing
How susceptible are the system's network, host and applications to external and internal attacks?
Can an intruder gain access to critical systems without being detected?